Managing a wine collection is not unlike managing a business. Care must be taken to protect the assets to ensure they retain and perhaps improve in value. Crushed Consulting LLC possesses a unique mix of wine knowledge along with over 20 years finance and accounting management of corporations ranging from $100 million to $5 billion. This offers clients a structured focus on their investment while caring for the unique nature of it. Employing technology and industry knowledge, Crushed Consulting will review your current wine holdings to:

  • Understand your collecting and enjoyment preferences to ensure the collection remains relevant
  • Determine which wines should be held until they reach their drink window
  • Determine which wines are in or approaching the end of their drink window
  • Determine which wines may be past their drink window
  • Maintain and monitor the collection to ensure an accurate inventory

Owning wine is an investment of time, money, and effort. However, unlike most investments, wine matures and ages, practically a living being. Similar to any living being, your wine collection must be cared for to ensure it’s longevity. As your wine collection has been carefully curated, it must be carefully managed. While most wine connoisseurs have the knowledge and passion to manage their collection, their time and effort is typically focused elsewhere. In order to maintain the value and integrity of an investment in wine, entrust it’s management to professionals.